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AdsCook: Scale Facebook ads with AI

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AdsCook is a business tool designed to help business managers scale their Facebook ads easily and efficiently. With the ability to create hundreds of ad variations in just a few seconds, automatically optimize ads, and monitor factors affecting performance, AdsCook aims to provide a streamlined and cost-effective solution for ad management.

Unlike other tools that may have limited functionality, a complex interface, and high costs, AdsCook offers a user-friendly platform that allows for organized and quick ad creation. By utilizing A/B testing, business managers can easily test different combinations of audiences, ad images, copies, devices, and more to find the best converting ads for their campaign.

One of the key features of AdsCook is its automation rules, which operate 24/7 based on real-time campaign data to keep ads profitable even when the business manager is away. These rules can duplicate converting ads/adsets, rebalance budgets, find optimal lookalike audiences, and test various scenarios to optimize ad performance.

In addition, AdsCook offers a range of tools to help business managers create, manage, and analyze ads effectively. Users can save time by creating ads in bulk, using field presets, grouping similar variants, and maintaining social proof. The platform also provides actionable reports, multi-account dashboards, and funnel analysis to help business managers make informed decisions and maximize conversions and ROI.

Overall, AdsCook is designed to simplify the ad creation and optimization process, save time and money, and provide business managers with the insights they need to run successful Facebook ad campaigns. With a 30-day free trial and no credit card required, business managers can easily test out the platform to see if it is suitable for their business needs.

AdsCook – Features

  • Create 100s of ad variations in seconds
  • Automatically optimize ads
  • A/B testing made easy
  • 24/7 automation rules
  • Real-time dashboard for performance monitoring
  • Save time with bulk ad creation
  • Maintain social proof easily
  • Apply proven strategies for ad management

AdsCook – Pricing

AdsCook offers a pricing plan for $29 per month with an ad spend limit of up to $5,000. Users can also access a 30-day free trial without the need for a credit card.

Visit adscook.com for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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