It’s hard to keep track of all the incredible apps that are being released every day. Here’s a quick roundup of the latest Android apps that might be handy for your business.
aWallet Cloud Password Manager: Find yourself losing track of your many online passwords? This app will keep track of your passwords, credit card information, banking information- anything that you might want to remain private. Instead of writing them down ‘somewhere safe’ storing them in an encrypted app like this will allow you to synchronise with Google Drive or Dropbox, and will let you back up encrypted data to your SD card, for safety.
Agenda: Make sure you don’t miss out on any important meetings or phone calls with Agenda. While the app syncs with your device’s calendar settings, it provides a cleaner interface with which to interact and keep track of your day to day events. It offers a year, month, week, day and event view, and allows you to add repeats to any event. It also allows for email addresses and URLs to be tappable. It’s still a new app, so doesn’t yet have a widget, but once it does this will be a handy allrounder.
EverClip: If you’re already using Evernote, you’ll understand how handy this easy access document saving app is. By adding EverClip to your arsenal, any website or app that you’re using can be easily copied and cut, sending straight to an Evernote note page. Copy text, images, PDFs- anything you might find online and save it for later access. Handy for anyone who uses their device to search while commuting.
SwiftKey 3: While you’re typing skills on a desktop keyboard might be up to scratch, you find that typing messages on your phone or device ends up in gobbledygook. Try using SwiftKey 3, a keyboard app you can download to use on your phone, and even personalise for your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and blog posts. While many touchscreen keyboards seem to not understand what you’re trying to say, SwiftKey gives more accurate corrections and even predicts words. This will help you avoid calling your client ‘mum’ or ending up on an autocorrect fail blog.
Paul Keating Insult Generator: this app has absolutely no relation to the man himself, in that he never actually said these phrases, nor does he endorse the app. However it’s fun to think that he might have. While this might not come in handy in procuring new business, it might be useful if you want to confound your creditors or befuddle your coworkers. Wouldn’t advise using this one against the boss though.