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Old-school marketing can still do wonders for you

We live in an informational age where computers and the internet are becoming more and more important in pretty much every aspect of our lives. This is true for business as well and if you happen to be a small business owner, you have probably heard a lot about the ways in which you can use the web to promote your business, as well as your brand.

In fact, most of the stuff that you can read about small business marketing these days has to do with online marketing and the “death” of traditional marketing. Well, while it is true that online marketing is a great leveler and a great opportunity for small business owners, the fact remains that traditional, old-school marketing can still do wonders for you.

Local Media is Still Strong

Local media were one of the first to suffer with the advent of online marketing and it is not difficult to see why. When compared with online marketing, placing advertisements in local newspaper or TV, or even radio has become less attractive. That being said, local media are still the main source of information for a very large number of people. Also, these are local people who will most likely be your target market. Finally, you need to understand that a number of people still do not trust the web when it comes to learning about businesses. They still see local media as a reputable source of information.

Trade Shows Still Live

Trade shows are perhaps the most old-school form of marketing you can imagine, besides telling people face to face about the stuff you sell, that is. And while many people will try and convince you that these events are dead, they are definitely not. In fact, the numbers show that trade shows still attract a huge number of people, and what is more important, people who will remember your exhibit, the name of your company and who will very likely purchase something that you sell.

Local Community is Still Important

We have touched on the subject of local community when we talked about local media but it needs to go further. Your local community needs to understand you are a part of this community and not just a sales enterprise. You should get involved in local charities, perhaps even sponsor local students and talents with scholarships. It would also be a good idea to organize an event every now and then, invite people for free food and drinks, maybe some games. By doing so, you will be exposing your brand to more people and you will boost your reputation as well.

Networking is Still the King

Networking involves establishing new connections in the industry; with clients, potential customers, suppliers, potential partners and even your competitors. With old-school networking, you are spreading the word of your business and you are creating relationships that will be much more than just a few lines on the screen of your computer or mobile device. Businesspeople still value personal relationships and with networking you can do incredible things to promote your business.

Closing Word

In short, traditional marketing is nowhere near as dead as they want you to think. In fact, it may be superior in some aspects as it allows for a more personal relationship with your customers and as it can reach people who do not spend a lot of time online. It is especially good for establishing connections with your local community that will most likely be your biggest market anyway.


About the Author:

James D. Burbank has worked in traditional and online marketing for more than a decade. He is always ready to share his insights with others and he is open to new things as well. He wrote this article thanks to the stuff he learnt from experts at Marketing Angels, a marketing agency with years of experience. You can find James on Twitter – @JBurbank2019.

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