2020 was a year of great shifts. The adoption of remote work was already growing at a fast pace in the last few years and Novel COVID-19 lockdown restrictions have fueled the fire of remote work all over the world.
83% of employers say that shift to remote work has been successful for their company.
Q: How successful would you say the shift to remote work because of COVID-19 has been for your company? (Responding ‘successful’ and ‘very successful’)
Source: PwC US Remote Work Survey
Tech firms have been one of the first to integrate remote work and hire permanent remote developers far before the pandemic. A study projects that 73% of all teams will have remote workers by 2028.
Some interesting high-profile moves to have a glance at:
- According to Washingtonpost.com, Twitter announced that a majority of their employees would be able to work remotely forever.
- Coinbase announced that it is planning to adopt a ‘remote-first’ policy for their company.
- In an interview, Matthew Howells-Barby (Director of Acquisition at HubSpot) said that his team has already started to work in a remote environment.
- Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg announced to move half of Facebook’s operations remotely in a span of 5-10 years.
Remote Hiring: The Fresh Approach
Remote Hiring has become the new normal. Today, organizations are adopting a fresh approach towards remote hiring. This includes skill-based hiring approach, tech-enabled hiring, reimagining hiring capabilities, analytics-driven hiring and much more.
ALSO READ – The pandemic pivot: 5 ways coronavirus shifted HR priorities
1. Skill-Based Hiring
Most of the firms like Apple and Google have already opted for a skill-based hiring rather than the traditional system based upon educational qualifications. A skill-based hiring approach enables the firm to hire highly skilled and experienced developers who can perform better at work. It helps to attract talented remote candidates with better soft skills like communication, problem-solving, as well as critical thinking. It also helps to reduce recruiting expenses and time to hire.
2. Tech-enabled Hiring
Firms have also incorporated smart and reliable hiring techniques with the help of technology and dedicated remote-hiring platforms – platforms solely for hiring remote resources. It includes a variety of pre-employment testing tools, ATS, etc, especially built by industry experts. Some platforms offer free tests while others offer them at a very cheap price. These tools help to filter out the best-fitted candidates according to the requirements of the organisation. The firms can also be free from the hassle of evaluation tests.
Some of the best pre-employment testing tools are TOGGL HIRE , QUODEIT, HACKER RANK, HACKER RANK, Workable, and Recruitee.
3. Analytics-Driven Hiring
According to a report, 74% of the companies plan to permanently shift to more remote work post-COVID 19.
Many firms are incorporating analytics technology to hire remote workforce. It enables them to analyse tons of data sets across the system, including pre-vetting testing platforms, ATS, learning management systems, etc. This allows the firms to hire upskilled remote talent, analyse patterns to look for possibilities to predict the skill-need in the future, and unleash skill adjacencies to match employees with specifically designed training.
Remote Developers transforming the Future of Digital Industry
Recruiting a remote developer can be a difficult task. Thanks to modern technology, remote hiring is now a viable possibility; it’s the right time to tackle it.
A study from Harvard Business Review stated:
“Employees working in remote software development teams tend to be happier and more productive as compared to developers who work in a traditional setup”
ALSO READ – Bring developers into the fold: Blending ‘business brains’ with ‘IT intelligence’
1. Round-the-Clock Development
Hiring Remote Developers means you can hire any talent across the world. And your remote team may be in a different time zone. This simply means that some part of your project is being worked upon almost all the time. In a remote development setup, developers often have fewer distractions and are more motivated, thus decreasing the time to market.
2. Higher Engagement Level
A two-year study by Stanford University stated that remote workers on average are,
Along with significant communication capabilities and quick adaptability, remote developers are more connected and engaged as compared to their in-office colleagues.
3. High Level of Security
When you hire remote developers from a Reliable Talent Provider Agency, the agency takes up the responsibility to keep your data, network, as well as remote developers secure. The providers support your remote team with system administrators and information security officers. Also, you get the best-fitted remote developer as per the requirements of your firm. The agency can help you find and hire as many developers as you need, ranging from one to an entire cross-functional team.
4. Enhanced Development Capabilities
With remote hiring opportunities, firms can hire skilled and talented resources at very competitive compensations. When compared to a costly in-house team and infrastructure, you can get boosted development capabilities at a better price. According to a GWA study, “Businesses would save an average of $5,500 annually per remote worker”.
Hiring Remote Developers has brought about a revolution in the digital world. With new hiring strategies and trends like skill-based hiring, tech-led hiring, and analytics, remote developers bring a bunch of benefits for the firm. Be it hiring an individual resource or a cross-functional team, a reliable talent provider agency can help find the best-fitted remote developers according to the requirements of the organisation without any administrative hassle.
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