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Tasks/Changes to be made Updated 24th Nov

  1. WYSIWIG Content Editor in administration panel is not allowing addition of tables and other buttons. Please troubleshoot and resolve (something to do with the tinymce editor
  2. Extra subscribe screen with 3 options of 1, 2, 3 years is not required. Subscriptions will only be offered for 1 year. Can we send Subscription straight to the Customer Details screen and then paypal? Done
  3. As per my discussions with Colin and MK, we  will have a business directory, franchise directory, coaching directory (with a red button "Find a Coach" and an Accountants Directory "Find an Accountant" on the menu. Done
  4. Business directory will have free listing for Name, Phone and Suburb. To add company description, special offers and weblink will cost $25 per year
  5. Coaching Directory is paid listings only for an entry. Nothing is free [Directory Setup Done, Payment link Pending]
  6. Accounting Directory is paid listings only for an entry. Nothing is free [Directory Setup Done, Payment link Pending]
  7. Franchise is paid only, nothing for free.[Directory Setup Done, Payment link Pending]
  8. Menu items in Left Sub menus are supposed to be red when rollover Done

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