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The Australian government’s business program delivery division and provides a range of approximately 30 programs which support business innovation. Products include innovation grants, tax and duty concessions, small business services and support for industry competition.

ASIC (Australian Securities & Investment Commission)

The Australian Securities & Investment Commission is a regulatory body for company and financial services laws, protecting consumers, investors and creditors.

Business Entry Point

The Business Entry Point is a site from which all the government information, transactions and services information is centrally accessible, providing information on planning, starting and running your business.

NSWDSRD (New South Wales Department of State & Regional Development)

The NSW Department of State & Regional Development is one of the first points of contact within the government for businesses wanting to establish businesses in Sydney and regional NSW and provides information on industry, investment, policy and resources, regional development, small business development, retail tenancy and communications.

Business Victoria

A comprehensive online resource, Business Victoria helps you to start, run and grow your business within the state of Victoria, offering advice on industrial relations, licences, regulations and taxation, financial assistance, exporting and regional development.

Queensland Department of State Development and Trade

The Queensland Department of State Development and Trade is the entry point for Queensland businesses to access government services. The site provides business information, support and advice and covers information such as innovation, industry development, trade and international operations, and regional development and services.


The Government of South Australia’s Department of Trade and Economic Development is the first stop for those wishing to set up a business in South Australia. The Department provides small business information, workshops and programs and is the key agency for trade, industry and services in South Australia.

Department of Economic Development, Tasmania

The Department of Economic Development is the first port of call for companies wanting to set up or expand their business in Tasmania and offers departmental programs aimed at the development of small businesses, investment and export activity within the state.

BEC (Business Enterprise Centres)

BEC delivers opportunities, cost savings and enhanced national profiles for BEC members, focussing on the growth of Australian micro, small and medium businesses through services such as education, networking opportunities, business information and referrals, mentoring support, workshops and seminars.

NSW Business Chamber (formerly ABL State Chamber)

The NSW Business Chamber helps businesses of all sizes to manage people and growth more effectively. Providing practical assistance to help you identify key challenges within your business and how best to manage these challenges to ensure future business security and development.

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