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Registration Screen to be made same as Photoshop – DONE

Registration Screen to be made same as Photoshop, in particular

  1. Red Title "Personal Details"
  2. Medium Grey Text directly below the Title Bar "Register on the Dynamic Business.comsite to have access to reliable business resources
  3. Light grey background in table
  4. Dropshadow with medium grey border around table
  5. Medium Gray background on FieldName Backgrounds
  6. Black for Field Name Text
  7. White for Input field background
  8. Big Red Register Button down bottom
  9. Current Issue Gif approx 50px w * 75h (make sure this isnt squeezing it) in top right hand corner
  10. Light grey text next to Register button "I agree to the terms & conditions of use" create a new Static content page called "Terms & Conditions of Use" and create a link from text to static page
  11. Red * next to fields that are compulsory as per Photoshop
  12. Fields listed as per photoshop

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