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Businesses are being urged to play their part in reducing waste and helping control climate change, by participating in Business Clean Up Day on February 27.

“Clean Up Australia is targeting businesses to get involved on February 27 because by taking action with members of their local community, they can bring about changes that ensure a healthy Australian environment now and for future generations,” says Ian Kiernan, Clean Up Australia chairman. “It remains one of the simplest, most effective ways for businesses to demonstrate their responsibility to the local community and environment, drive public participation, and make a difference in just a few hours.”

Last year over 300 businesses leant a hand and cleared 420 tonnes of rubbish.

For more information, visit www.cleanup.com.au or call 1800 282 329. And for tips to make yours a greener work environment, read our Working Smarter article on page 50 of the February issue of Dynamic Business magazine.

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