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Australian Retailers Association – FREE Seminars

Find out all there is to know about the current Workplace relations system, and its impact on your business.

Here is your last opportunity to attend (in limited locations only). There have been fundamental changes to the Australian system of workplace relations. As an employer you may have different rights, responsibilities and duties that you need to understand.

• Do you know how the workplace relations system applies to you and your employees if your business is a company?

• Do you know how the workplace relations system applies to you and your employees if your business is a sole trader/partnership?

• Do you know how industrial awards interact with the Australian Fair Pay Conditions Standard?

Are you applying all your record keeping and pay slip obligations?

• Do you understand the difference between unlawful and unfair dismissal? further, do you understand what exemptions exist for unfair dismissal?

Get the free assistance you need and register today!

Visit http://www.ara.com.au/714.html for more information on dates, venues, and registration forms.

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