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Businesses use barter to increase cash flow

Australian businesses can increase their cash flow and deal with credit lending issues in the aftermath of the GFC by using barter trade currency.

BarterBartercard, an Australian barter trading exchange, offers over 20,000 SMBs interest-free lines of credit, increasing cash flow and profitability. There is currently over $163.5 million available in credit for Bartercard members to use on needs including website design, legal services and stationary.

Using Bartercard for typical office expenses means that businesses have the ability to offset cash expenses and in turn receive boosts to cash flow, according to Bartercard Managing Director Brian Hall

“Bartercard members are freeing up their cash flow to bring outstanding tax bills into line or to assist in purchases, not possible due to current lending restrictions”

“An initial line of credit, for instance to be used on everyday business expenses, refurbishments or office expansion, can be up to $25,000 Trade Dollars: no AUD changes hands,” said Mr Hall.

“Our alternate currency gives customers an additional new source of business opportunities with an in-built purchasing discount,” Mr Hall added.

From the $163.5 million available to members, over 9,000 Bartercard businesses are using over $43 million of these interest free funds.

Over the next 12 months, Bartercard’s new business membership is set to increase by about 2,500 new businesses, which will increase the interest free credit offering by a further 18 to 20 million Trade Dollars.

The ability to offset cash expenses using barter dollars and ramp up cash sales is a great avenue for any business, says Extreme Driving owner Mark Haybittle.

“The benefit is that the system can be used as an additional asset to sales and help you buy the things you need in the cash world, without the traditional fluctuations of a loan, Mr Haybittle said.

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Julia Clarke

Julia Clarke

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