Sea-change, a; esp. to suffer a sea-change. To be almost miraculously and certainly much changed for the better. Mid c. 19-20thc. “Full fathom five they father lies… Nothing of him that doth fade. But doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strange. (Shakespeare – The Tempest)
It’s the type of feeling that’s difficult to identify, and it creeps up on you.
The compulsion to change things up, even though everything is functioning just fine as it is, is perhaps human nature. We get bored with the same four walls, the same route to work; the same places and faces.
Sometimes a holiday is enough to cure the affliction, sometimes not. In fact, sometimes a holiday only heightens the desire to change things back at the nest.
After three years in the same house, and with my lease soon up for renewal, I’ve made the rather odd decision to move. There’s absolutely no rhyme or reason to it – it’s just that I need a sea change to reinvigorate my day-to-day.
It’s often said that any new business owner starting out needs to look long-term, with the knowledge that it will 5-7 years before the harvest can be reaped.
It’s a hell of a long slog. Heck some marriages don’t even last as long.
So, what then for business owners who don’t have the luxury of simply ‘moving’ businesses? How do you get your sea-change?
Firstly it’s paramount to ensure your brand is up-to-date and aligned with your goals. Whether it’s freshening up your logo, changing your menu, adding or removing redundant products or services – revisiting your brand doesn’t necessarily have to involve spending a lot of money and can completely reinvigorate your outlook and your workplace. With your staff on the front line of service, ensure you seek their feedback about the areas where they would like to see change for an added perspective.
For small businesses with few or no staff, one of biggest drains can be the sheer loneliness of it all. Make an investment in yourself and attend a course or seminar. Hanging out with like-minded people can reignite your passion in your field, and it’s exciting to talk to people with similar dreams and aspirations.
Equally important is to review your business plan, and reassess your goals. You can’t get to where you want to go if you haven’t figured out the route. Is it time to create a new vision for where you want to be in three or five year’s time? Even if it means taking a full day out to think clearly (perhaps do it by the seaside…), get away from the daily distractions, and revisit your vision.
Finally, don’t pull any punches. Don’t be afraid to commit your goals to paper, write it on the wall, or on your mirror – somewhere where you’ll revisit it daily and keep your vision in focus.