Propel yourself into the future of job search.
Remember “Back to the Future” with Doc Emmitt and Marty McFly? They used the “Delorean Car” powered by the flux capacitor to travel through time. Well LinkedIn has just become the newest flux capacitor by propelling job seekers, recruiters and business into the future.
Forget the static CV. LinkedIn have just removed the need for the static 1.0 CV/resume and propelled you all into an interactive 3.0 web world of LinkedIn. Job Seekers can now click on “an Apply via LinkedIn button” to be whooshed immediately in to the minds and computers of the recruitment or HR managers desk.
Here, the company will be able to view, past positions, references, recommendations about most importantly whom that person is connected to and how he/she is connected to you and your business. They can also review video, audio, whitepapers, presentations or folio’s all neatly summarised on your LinkedIn profile on one page.
And the flux capacitor lives up to its name ” a state of constant change” allowing you to as the applicant to customise areas of your profile for the specific role you are applying for.
Forget game-changer, LinkedIn becomes newest flux capacitor for hiring
For companies who want to use the button on their careers page, just get the plugin (yep its free). You can download the code from here: LinkedIn Developer page. Here, you can customise the plug-in-to suit your business including a wisywig format and no coding needed.
This will benefit all business in terms of speed of review, understanding of new technology, an online profile that is living and breathing includes multimedia, and a range of backlinks and references. Congratulations LinkedIn you’ve just propelled us into the future of recruitment and search.