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Fair Work Ombudsman to visit Mosman employers

Australia’s Fair Work Ombudsman will be making ‘educational visits’ to about 60 businesses in Mosman over the next two weeks to discuss Australian workplace laws.

Fair Work OmbudsmanFair Work inspectors will doorknock businesses to provide information packs to employers who have entered the national workplace relations system, focusing on Mosman’s commercial precinct. This follows educational visits to hundreds of businesses throughout Sydney’s northern suburbs earlier this year.

Fair Work Ombudsman NSW Director Mark Davidson says the informal visits are aimed at assisting employers to understand changes to national workplace laws, including the introduction of the National Employment Standards and Modern Awards on July 1st this year.

The information packs include helpful resources such as fact sheets, templates and Best Practice Guides and provide advice about practical steps employers can take to adjust to the new system.

This year, the Fair Work Ombudsman will make educational visits to 10,000 employers in NSW, 10,000 in Queensland, 5000 in South Australia and 1000 in Tasmania. There will be additional visits in 2011 and 2012.

“We are very serious about our job of building knowledge and creating fairer workplaces and we are strongly focused on ensuring the community understands its workplace rights and obligations,” Mr Davidson said.

“The best advice I can give to business operators is to get the basics right and everything else should start to fall into place.

“By the basics, I mean knowing what Award applies to your employees, what the correct classifications for your employees are and what pay rates apply.”

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David Olsen

David Olsen

An undercover economist and a not so undercover geek. Politics, business and psychology nerd and anti-bandwagon jumper. Can be found on Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/DDsD">David Olsen - DDsD</a>

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