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International expert on creativity

You would usually have to travel to the US, UK or South Africa.  But in this one week, Dr Neethling will be on your doorstep.

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is hosting South Africa’s Dr Kobus Neethling in:
Melbourne on MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007
Brisbane on WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2007
Sydney on FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2007

Dr Kobus Neethling is an internationally acclaimed expert on creativity who works with individuals, leaders, entrepreneurs and organisations around the globe to develop greater flexibility, agility, adaptability and to access a broader range of thinking processes and strategies.
After all, as you know, it’s no longer enough to have good systems, cost efficiencies and results.  They’re all necessary, but they’re now a given.  Building a sustainable competitive advantage, an advantage that is not easily replicable, requires an edge. New ways of thinking, working together, communicating.  Dr Neethling will present from his deep experience and expertise to help you develop that edge.
Dr Kobus Neethling is a model of what we can achieve when we unleash our own personal creativity.  A few highlights from his rich CV hint at the depth of his expertise:
• He holds 6 university degrees, including 2 Master’s, a Doctorate and a Post Doctorate (Cum Laude) on the identification and development of Creative Behaviour.

• He has written 87 books (the latest out in April) including “Creativity Uncovered”.

• He received the 1998 International Leadership Award from the Creative Problem Solving Institute – the most prestigious creativity award in the world.

• He received the first International Creative Genius Award (2004) from the International Genius Academy (USA).

• He received the International Plato Award for his breakthrough contributions as a Creativity Researcher and Teacher (2006 –Oxford, England).

• He is the creator of the “Neethling Brain Instruments” (NBI), a powerful tool for measuring thinking and developing creativity and whole brain approaches.

• He has helped top organisations in 25 countries develop their creativity muscles.

• And he’s a Guinness World Record Holder.

He is also a wonderfully lively and entertaining speaker.
For more information and to register, simply:
Go to Melbourne –  http://www.icfaustralasia.com/VICRSVP_0705.php
Go to Brisbane – call 07 3356 2567
Go to Sydney – http://www.icfaustralasia.com/NSWRSVP_0705.php

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