Blink Mobile will deliver their innovative ‘my answers’ service to Tweed Shire Council residents, giving residents access to council information ‘on the go’ with their mobile.
The new ‘my answers’ mobile technology from Blink Mobile allows information to be tailored to fit different smartphone types as well as catering for mobile phone owners who may not have a phone with internet access.
The providers of ‘myanswers’, Blink Mobile, recently won three Australian Business Awards for 2010 in the categories of Best E-Business Product, Product Innovation and Best New Product.
The free application delivers a range of Council website information in an easy-to-read format. The wide range of information available includes: general council information such as opening hours and contact numbers for Council facilities, development application tracking and property searches,
upcoming events (including council meetings and Community Access dates), Council tender information, access to the Richmond-Tweed Library catalogue, access to Council’s community Directory, as well as alerts for sportsground and road closures and more.
The application also taps into information from other relevant sites such as the calendar of events from Tweed Tourism, the Richmond-Tweed Library and the website which shows road closures and roadworks across the Tweed.
The new ‘myanswers’ bounce back facility is accessible to users with traditional mobile devices via texting. Therefore, you can still gain access to council information such as road closure, sports field or local surf information etc.
Council’s Director Technology and Corporate Services Troy Green said Council will be erecting signs at sports fields and beaches etc to let people know about the service.
“Council is committed to becoming a leader in local government by providing new, innovative services and solutions to benefit our residents, ratepayers and Council staff,” Mr Green said. The solution heralds a new era of accessing council information and services and provides greater
transparency to a range of information,” he said.