As the Federal Government promises faster broadband connection, recent figures show there are a total of 3, 639,700 broadband connections accross Australia. According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission this is an increase of more than one million customers, or 51.2 percent from the previous year.
The Australian Broadband Guarantee will provide eligible customers with subsidised, price-capped broadband with a guaranteed minimum level of service.
Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Helen Coonan says the $162.5 million initiative will contribute to the $600 million Broadband Connect program, which will rollout sustainable and scalable next generation infrastructure in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia.
"Broadband is an essential service for both individuals and business, and is vital for Australia’s future economic prosperity," says Coonan.
The first phase of the program will run until June next year, when it will then also be able to access funding from the federal government’s $2 billion Communications Fund which is hoped will enable the program to run as long as is necessary.
More details on the Australian Broadband Guarantee is available at