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Start-up advertising company Droga5 has been named as Foster’s newest hire, taking over the signature Victoria Bitter (VB) account and surprising the marketing industry. Droga5 replaces the George Patterson agency, which handled the VB account for decades.

"While new in Australia, the combined experience, unquestionable talent and vision of the Droga5 set-up presents a powerful opportunity for VB as it continues to evolve its communications,” said Anthony Heraghty, marketing director of Foster's Australia, Asia & Pacific.
With headquarters in New York, Droga5 opened in 2006 but has a small Sydney presence.
Meanwhile, after months of speculation Optus has decided to renew its main account with M&C Saatchi, which has also won the Optus business account from Leo Burnett. MPG, the media arm of Mitchell Communication Group, will also retain their share of the telco’s media management, managing Virgin Mobile in Australia.
Despite rumours that Optus requested the agencies to lower their fees, the accounts are said to be worth in the vicinity of $50 million.

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