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Sydney, Melbourne, top brands for exporters 10-01 4th March 2008

The Anholt GMI Index has named Sydney the world’s best city brand, beating London, Rome, Paris and New York. Melbourne came in at number six on the list.

Tim Harcourt, chief economist at Austrade, says the ranking will mean a lot for exporters. “As well as being a great place to live, Sydney is regarded as a major player in the world economy,” he noted. “It’s no surprise that Sydney and NSW as a whole has the highest number of exporting businesses, as well as the highest number of exporting small to medium enterprises [in Australia].”
Harcourt also remarked that Sydney and Australia’s strong multicultural and cosmopolitan culture played an important role in global perception.
The index compiled responses from 15,000 global consumers and business people who ranked the world’s most desirable cities according to people, lifestyle, affordability, transport and economic presence.
1. Sydney
2. London
3. Paris
4. New York
5. Rome
6. Melbourne
7. Barcelona
8. Vancouver
9. Amsterdam
10. Montreal

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