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A new service by HSBC promises to make things a little easier for exporters doing business in China.

ChinaExpress is the first trade product from HSBC’s partnership with China’s Bank of Communications, and allows Australian exporters access to over 2,700 offices in 137 cities across mainland China.

David Morton, Australia’s head of commercial banking for HSBC, says the service means exporters have access to two banks, without double the associated fees. “Through our partnership with Bank of Communications, we can offer ChinaExpress at a single tariff and with market-leading turnaround times, using the combined networks of both Bank of Communications and HSBC across mainland China.”

Services offered include import and export services, trade financing, factoring, electronic documentary credit advising and internet trade services. For more information on ChinaExpress contact HSBC Australia on 1300 308 019.

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