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Finding specific government information online can be time consuming if you don’t know where to start. The information can also change quite quickly, so we’ve done the hard work for you again this year and updated our comprehensive guide to online government resources.


ABN Lookup: This site allows you to apply for an ABN online and also hosts a database containing publicly available information on other businesses which have an ABN. http://www.abr.business.gov.au

ACT Government Business Gateway: The ACT Government’s entry point for business information, products and services. http://www.business.act.gov.au

Agriculture portal: One of the portals of the Australian Government Online Initiative, this site is an entry point for all things agricultural. http://www.agriculture.gov.au

Area Consultative Committees: A community-based volunteer organisation in every state and territory, the ACCs identify opportunities, priorities and development strategies for their regions. http://www.acc.gov.au

AusIndustry: The Commonwealth Government agency for products, services and information, to support industry, research and innovation. http://www.ausindustry.gov.au

AusTender: The Australian Government Tender System provides up-to-date information on public business opportunities advertised by various federal government departments. http://www.tenders.gov.au

Austrade: A one-stop-shop for exporters, including everything from information on export grants and government assistance, to export events and opportunities in international markets. http://www.austrade.gov.au

Australian Apprenticeships: All the information you need for hiring a new apprentice. http://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au

Australian Bureau of Statistics: A good place to research census and ABS information, especially if you’re thinking of starting a business and want demographic details. You can also search for, and order, publications online. http://www.abs.gov.au

Australian Customs Service: A must for any business importing or exporting goods. http://www.customs.gov.au

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: The ‘business rights & obligations’ page contains info on complying with the Trade Practices Act when dealing with consumers and other businesses, as well as information on franchising and the Franchising Code of Conduct. http://www.accc.gov.au

Australian Government Homepage: http://www.australia.gov.au

Australian Government Publications Register: Use this site to search for Commonwealth Government publications and websites. http://www.publications.gov.au

Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: Includes information for employers to address discrimination and harassment in the workplace. http://www.hreoc.gov.au

Australian Industrial Relations Commission: The national tribunal dedicated to dealing with employment issues such as dispute settlement, unfair dismissal and the setting of wages and conditions. http://www.airc.gov.au

Australian JobSearch: Recruiting? Post jobs online for free through this national job vacancy database. http://www.jobsearch.gov.au

Australian Law Online: Go to the ‘for businesses’ section to find a list of all the relevant sites for state and territory, as well as federal law information. http://www.law.gov.au

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority: The regulator of the Australian financial services industry, including members of the superannuation industry. http://www.apra.gov.au

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service: A must for all importers and exporters to ensure your goods get cleared through quarantine in Australia, and overseas. http://www.aqis.gov.au

Australian Securities and Investment Commission: For Information on scams, starting and running a business, company director responsibilities, Super Choice, and a search engine which lets you find a company’s name, ABN or ACN. http://www.asic.gov.au

Australian Taxation Office: All things ‘tax’ for businesses and individuals. Need we say more? http://www.ato.gov.au


Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics: Research and analysis on Australia’s transport services, including air, freight, maritime, as well as car and fuel sales. http://www.btre.gov.au

Business Entry Point: This website should be on every business owner’s ‘favourites’ list. It provides information and links to all things business, for start-ups through to growing businesses. http://www.business.gov.au

Business Licence Information Service: Operating in all states and territories, you can find out about business name registrations, tax registrations, licences and other industry requirements.

Vic: http://blis.business.vic.gov.au

NSW: http://www.blis.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au

Qld: http://smartlicence.sd.qld.gov.au

SA: http://bli.net.au/sa

WA: http://www.licence.sbdc.com.au

Tas: http://bli.net.au/tas

NT: http://bli.net.au/nt

ACT: http://www.business.act.gov.au/businesslicences


Centrelink: There’s a dedicated business section as well as access to Centrelink’s Financial Information Service, which provides independent, free and confidential information to help people (including the self-employed) make informed decisions about investment and financial issues. http://www.centrelink.gov.au

The Commonwealth Government Online Directory: An online guide to the structure and key people in the Federal Government. http://www.gold.gov.au

Community Portal: Access online services and information for Australian community organisations (with links to government and non-government services). http://www.community.gov.au

Culture and Recreation Portal: A directory of Australian cultural organisations and resources. http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia: Commonwealth department responsible for increasing the competitiveness, profitability and sustainability of these industries. http://www.daff.gov.au

Department of Education, Science and Trainin
g: This department has now taken over the responsibilities previously occupied by the Australian National Training Authority. Go to the ‘training and skills’ section of the website for all the latest government policy information on apprenticeships, traineeships and vocational education and training. http://www.dest.gov.au

Department of Communication Information Technology and the Arts: For information on legislation, regulations, government grants and incentives for ICT and arts industries. http://www.dcita.gov.au

Department of Defence: Information on defending Australia and its national interests, with resources for tendering and contracts, as well as a link to the Defence Small Business Access Portal. http://www.defence.gov.au

Department of the Environment & Heritage: Check out the policies, legislation, approvals, permits and more. http://www.deh.gov.au

Department of Finance and Administration: Get the latest Budget information as well as link to the state and territory treasury sites. http://www.finance.gov.au

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Outlines trade policy and guidelines in Australia, including the various Free Trade Agreements. http://www.dfat.gov.au

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs: Advice on citizenship, immigration and indigenous issues, as well as advice for employers wanting to sponsor overseas skilled workers to work in Australia. http://www.immi.gov.au

Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources: Government initiatives dedicated to promoting internationally competitive and sustainable business in Australia. http://www.industry.gov.au

Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (Vic): For information on business and regional development in Victoria. http://www.iird.vic.gov.au

Department of Transport and Regional Services: Aimed at promoting economic, social, and regional development by enhancing Australia’s infrastructure. http://www.dotars.gov.au

Department of the Treasury: Includes information on the economy, budget, superannuation, foreign investment and tax. http://www.treasury.gov.au


Education Portal: Check the ‘employers and industry’ section for all you need to know about industry peak bodies, vocational training, apprenticeships and adult learning. http://www.education.gov.au

Environment Portal: A link to all the Australian environmental resources online. http://www.environment.gov.au

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency: The agency has the responsibility to administer the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act and educate and assist organisations in providing equal opportunities for women. http://www.eowa.gov.au


Free Trade Agreements homepage: The online guide to Australia’s Free Trade Agreements. http://www.fta.gov.au


Government Communications Unit: Manages the Central Advertising System, which outlines government advertising for tenders and public notices. http://www.gcu.gov.au

Government of Western Australia: Gateway to information on the WA government. http://www.wa.gov.au

GrantsLINK: For direct links to federal government grant programs and provides invaluable information on writing applications. http://www.grantslink.gov.au


Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia: This is the government agency responsible for the administration and regulation of the personal insolvency system. http://www.itsa.gov.au

Intellectual Property Australia: All the information you’ll need to secure your intellectual property including patents and trademarks. http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au

Invest Australia: Trying to woo some overseas investors? This site has all the info you need to know about why Australia is the place to invest. http://www.investaustralia.gov.au


Land & Water Australia: Funding opportunities, projects, R&D and innovation regarding natural resource management. http://www.lwa.gov.au


Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs: This body deals with fair trading and consumer protection. You’ll also find some useful customer service tips. http://www.consumer.gov.au


National Innovation Website: With sections for innovation for business and innovation for youth, this site answers key questions for business such as how to implement new ideas and where to go for assistance. http://www.innovation.gov.au

National Library of Australia: Come here if you need to look for almost anything. Searches for books, databases and indexes, as well as newspapers, journals and more. http://www.nla.gov.au

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission: Information to assist small business operators in understanding how to manage health and safety effectively and comply with OHS regulations. http://www.nohsc.gov.au/smallbusiness

Northern Territory Government: Here you’ll find comprehensive links for living and working in the Northern Territory. http://www.nt.gov.au

Northern Territory Government Business Portal: Information for NT business owners on licensing, state government resources and assistance. http://www.tbc.nt.gov.au

NSW Small Business: Dedicated to business advice, tools and info for NSW small business owners. http://www.smallbiz.nsw.gov.au

NSW Government Portal: A good starting point for info on NSW government departments. http://www.nsw.gov.au


Office of the Employment Advocate: This site has lots of valuable information and tools about Australian Workplace Agreements. http://www.oea.gov.au

Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner: SMEs must adhere to the Privacy Act, so log on here for more details. http://www.privacy.gov.au

Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner: Dedicated to promoting a competitive and fair operating environment for small business. Also download a copy of the Retail Leases Act 2003. http://www.sbc.vic.gov.au

Office of Workplace Services: The body established to protect the workplace rights and obligations of employers and employees under the Workplace Relations Act 1996. http://www.ows.


Productivity Commission: The commission conducts "public inquiries and research into a broad range of economic and social issues affecting the welfare of Australians, including competition policy, productivity, the environment, economic infrastructure, labour markets, trade and assistance, structural adjustment and micro-economic reform". http://www.pc.gov.au


Queensland Department of State Development & Innovation: For all you need to know about investing, starting or expanding a business in Queensland. http://www.sdi.qld.gov.au

Queensland Government Portal: Your gateway to all things Queensland. http://www.qld.gov.au


Regional Entry Point: Your source for government programs and services available to people living in regional and rural Australia. http://www.regionalaustralia.gov.au

Regulation Taskforce: The Taskforce examines and reports on areas where regulatory reform can provide significant immediate gains to business. http://www.regulationtaskforce.gov.au

Reserve Bank of Australia: Statement of Australia’s monetary policy, statistics, and general statements on financial services. http://www.rba.gov.au

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation: A great range of information for people involved in the various rural and agribusiness industries including research, publications, R&D, industry programs and articles. http://www.rirdc.gov.au


South Australia (SA) Central: This is the SA gateway for business and communities. This site includes a link to the SA Business Channel, which provides advice on running a business in the festival state. http://www.sa.gov.au

SA Department of Trade and Economic Development: There’s plenty of information here on running a business, and relevant programs and workshops in SA. http://www.southaustralia.biz

Small Business Development Corporation: Everything small business in Western Australia. http://www.sbdc.com.au

Super Choice: Now Australians can choose the superannuation fund that works best for them, this website contains material to help employees, employers and professional advisers with super choice. http://www.superchoice.gov.au


Tasmania Department of Economic Development: The department is the first point of contact for companies wishing to establish, relocate, diversify or expand business in Tasmania. http://www.development.tas.gov.au

Tasmania Online: Your gateway to the Tasmanian government. http://www.tas.gov.au

Tourism Research Australia: Formerly the Bureau of Tourism Research, this site provides tourism statistics based on national and international visitor surveys. http://www.tra.australia.com

Transaction Manager: Visit here for tools to find, manage and complete the transactions you regularly carry out with all levels of government. http://transactions.business.gov.au

The Uniform Credit Code: If your business provides money to buy goods, services or land, or to lease goods, then this site is for you. http://www.creditcode.gov.au


Victoria Online: A great starting point to find information relevant to Victorian local government. http://www.vic.gov.au


Wage Assistance: Australian employers who give an ongoing job to an eligible indigenous job seeker may be eligible for a government subsidy. http://www.wageassistance.gov.au

WageNet: For all the information about the wages and conditions of employment in Australia for work that is covered by federal awards and agreements. http://www.wagenet.gov.au

WA Department of Industry and Resources: Information on exporting, establishing and expanding a business and investing in WA. http://www.doir.wa.gov.au/businessandindustry

Women’s Portal: Put together by the Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women (OSW), women can get information about government services relevant to them. http://www.women.gov.au

WorkChoices Portal: All the information and contacts you need to understand the Federal Government’s new workplace relations system. http://www.workchoices.gov.au

http://workplace.gov.au: Go to the section ‘for organisations’ for all your employment and workplace relations needs.

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