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Europe has emerged as the market exporters are setting their sights on for the coming year, according to the latest 2007 DHL Export Barometer.

The report found 65 percent of exporters feel Europe is the market where they will increase their orders in the next 12 months, followed by China (61 percent) and South East Asia (56 percent). “Overall the results of the survey are positive for exporters,” says Paul Bellette, strategic development group manager for DHL in the Oceania region. “The number one ranking for Europe was surprising but it proves that companies here are taking a global approach and are not relying on specific markets.”

The report found exporters are going through a period of renewed confidence with almost 70 percent expecting an increase in orders around the next 12 months, and several exporters investing in new technology to facilitate a growth in exports. Exporters in the mining (77 percent) and manufacturing (67 percent) sectors are the most likely to have invested in technology.

“Technology is a good indicator of export confidence and the survey results show 85 percent of exporters now use the internet exclusively for sales and marketing,” says Bellette. “The barometer’s findings support DHL’s experience, with two in three of our customers processing their shipments electronically.”

The survey found one of the major constraints for exporters was supply chains, which has increased in concern over the past three years, rising from 12 percent in 2005 to 44 percent in 2007. Bellette advises exporters to consider consolidating their suppliers as one way to reduce supply chain efficiencies and costs.

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