Hint: It’s harder than it sounds. Here’s how we make it work, and stay happy while running a successful business.
The old adage says, “You shouldn’t mix business with family.” That especially stands when it comes to spouses working together, and I would generally agree with that statement. However, there are instances when business and family can work out for the mutual benefit of everyone.
I am fortunate, or unfortunate, depending on your perspective, to work with my beautiful and talented wife. She is way smarter than I am. No, really she is. She has a resume that would get her hired at any successful, fast-growing company. She speaks three languages (six if you count Ebonics, Spanglish, and toddler-speak) and has tremendous capacity to focus on minute details that I would miss on most occasions. But it is her background in sales that allows her to be an excellent spokesperson for the vision and mission of our business. That’s why she is the CEO of the company. She lives and breathes the mission of the company.
On the other hand, I am a big-picture person. I generally focus on three things: topline sales, volume, and profit. I am a great networker, super action-oriented, and great operationally. I like dealing with numbers. I like to think that we are both strategic on how we see the vision for the business; my perspective tends to be less cloudy as I am less into the nitty gritty of dealing with suppliers or customers. Selena calls this non-emotional, but I call it rational. As a result of these traits I am everything else she needs me to be, which sometimes includes CFO.
…to read this article in full, visit leading US small business resource, Inc.