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G-P offers solution for hiring international teams

A recent study by Globalisation Partners (G-P) reveals that more than half of Australian workers are planning to change jobs within the next six months.

The survey indicates that many Australians are also considering relocating to different regions or states to advance their careers. A striking 84% of respondents expressed a strong preference for working for global companies, highlighting the appeal of international experience as a key factor in career advancement.

Despite the enthusiasm for global employment, the study identified several challenges faced by workers, including managing time zone differences, navigating language and cultural barriers, and dealing with complex tax regulations. In response to these obstacles, G-P is promoting its comprehensive global employment platform, designed to help companies hire and manage international teams seamlessly.

Key features of G-P’s platform include:

  • Hiring Local Talent: G-P’s extensive network of local experts assists companies in finding and hiring the best talent in various countries.
  • Managing Payroll and Benefits: G-P takes care of payroll and benefits administration, ensuring compliance with local labor laws.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding: The platform streamlines the transition for employees joining and leaving the company.
  • Regulatory Compliance: G-P stays current on local labor laws and regulations, helping companies maintain compliance.

The launch of World at Work: The Future of Global Employment Report, G-P’s second annual report on global employment trends, also sheds light on the recruitment challenges faced by Australian employers. Nearly half (47%) of Australian executives reported difficulty hiring skilled talent within their current markets, an increase from just over a third (34%) in 2023. In response, a growing number of business leaders (86%) are hiring employees from abroad, up from 82% last year. Furthermore, nearly half (46%) of executives indicated they would consider candidates with non-traditional backgrounds or education to meet their talent needs.

“There’s never been a better time to build a global team,” stated Nicole Sahin, founder and CEO of G-P. “At G-P, we’re at the forefront of the intersection of global employment and AI, empowering leaders to build agile workforces and transforming how companies leverage human potential from around the world.”

Charles Ferguson, APMEA General Manager at G-P, emphasized that Australian employees are increasingly attracted to global companies due to the promise of better pay, enhanced benefits, travel opportunities, and greater flexibility. He also noted that employees now expect more from their leaders, particularly regarding the skills required to manage global teams effectively.

The survey further revealed that almost all (97%) Australian executives believe establishing a market presence in multiple countries and accessing new talent is essential for competitiveness in today’s business landscape. A strong interest in leveraging AI for global expansion was evident, with over half (53%) of Australian executives stating that AI could assist in predicting business challenges in new markets. While the vast majority of employees (90%) are excited about AI’s potential applications, some (34%) remain hesitant to use it at work, fearing that their contributions may be undervalued by management—though this concern has decreased from 41% last year.

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Yajush Gupta

Yajush Gupta

Yajush is a journalist at Dynamic Business. He previously worked with Reuters as a business correspondent and holds a postgrad degree in print journalism.

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