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Don’t like all your employees?

Some people at work are going to rub you the wrong way.

You return from a trip, review the memos on your desk, turn on your computer—and immediately get a message from that guy in accounting, who says he needs your expense receipts ASAP. You’re steamed.

You’re asked to schedule a short meeting with two staffers. A woman from marketing spends 15 minutes talking about her vacation swimming with dolphins. Now, you’ll need another meeting. You’re vexed.

Neither of these individuals was trying to annoy you. In different circumstances, you may rely on those very same skills you found irritating. We all make snap judgments based on others’ behavior when we meet them, and we often take their behavior personally when we shouldn’t. You don’t typically have access to the inner-workings of your colleagues’ brains, but you need to know how to interact productively with them.

…to read this article in full, visit leading US small business website, Inc.

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