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Working with employees to promote their wellbeing in the workplace helps to get the most from workers to benefit your business.

In the busy business climate of today, promoting wellbeing in the workplace can be challenging.

Below is a guide of simple strategies, developed by the Australian Psychological Society of Organisational Psychologists that can be adopted by managers and supervisors to ensure the wellbeing of your workers.

1. Build an ongoing feedback loop
Take time to have regular conversations with team members about performance. Regular feedback helps employees to recognise contributions, feel valued and highlight areas for development.

2. Enhance the meaningfulness of the work
Having regular conversations with employees about how they contribute to the organisation helps them feel more connected.

3. Provide role clarity
Clarify with employees their tasks and goals, and identify the best ways your employees can be supported in reaching their goals.

4. Encourage trusting and respectful communications
Ensure any sensitive conversation with an employee is held in a separate space that provides privacy and respect.

5. Set the standard
Address the standards of acceptable behaviour by sharing how it could negatively impact on the workplace. If you do witness behaviour that is inappropriate intervene promptly.

6. Acknowledge good work and practices
Be just as ready to recognise good performance, outstanding effort and innovative ideas as much as you respond to negative behaviour and performance.

7. Offer support through organisational resources
Make organisational resources available to help employees manage stress and wellbeing at work.

8. Get support for yourself
Managing others can be a highly stressful affair and it is important for you to get the right support and training.

For more information on how to create a happy work environment visit <http://www.groups.psychology.org.au/cop/>

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Shauna O'Carroll

Shauna O'Carroll

Shauna is a second year Journalism and International Studies student at the University of Technology in Sydney. She has interned at various online and print publications and is now happily interning at Dynamic Business.

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