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Jetboost is a no-code business tool designed specifically for Webflow, a web design platform. It offers various functionalities that enhance the user experience of websites built on Webflow, such as real-time search, dynamic filtering, and the ability to save favorite items or create a wishlist.

One of the main features of Jetboost is its on-page, real-time search functionality. Unlike the native Webflow search, which searches the entire site, Jetboost allows users to search specific CMS lists directly on the page as they type. This feature is particularly useful for websites with a large amount of content, as it provides instant and accurate search results.

Another useful feature offered by Jetboost is dynamic filters. Websites often have various categories, tags, or other groupings that users may want to filter. However, setting up Javascript plugins like Mixitup can be complicated and time-consuming. Jetboost’s Dynamic Filters Booster allows users to add dynamic filters to their website in just a few minutes, without the need for any coding.

Jetboost also simplifies the process of allowing site visitors to save favorite items or create a wishlist. This feature eliminates the need for complex logic and coding, saving users time and frustration. Additionally, Jetboost seamlessly integrates with popular membership platforms such as Memberstack, MemberSpace, and Outseta, providing a seamless experience for users and their visitors.

One of the standout advantages of Jetboost is its effortless step-by-step setup process. Users no longer have to spend hours debugging code found online, as Jetboost’s visual editor allows them to easily add powerful features to their websites without having to edit any code. This enables users to focus on what they do best: designing and creating exceptional websites.

Jetboost – Features

  • Real-time search for Webflow with on-page search capabilities
  • Dynamic filters without the need for coding
  • Ability to save favorite items or create a wishlist without complicated processes
  • Integration with Memberstack, MemberSpace, and Outseta
  • Easy step-by-step setup with a visual editor
  • Search functionality for a single CMS list, rather than the entire site
  • Compatibility with paginated lists
  • Effortless addition of powerful features to your site without editing code

Jetboost – Pricing

The pricing plans for Jetboost are as follows:

  • Free: No upfront charges for staging sites hosted on webflow.io
  • Core: $19/month billed yearly for lower traffic sites using core features
  • Premium: $39/month billed yearly for business sites using premium features
  • Growth: $79/month billed yearly for growing sites with higher traffic
  • Ultimate: $149/month billed yearly for mission critical and high traffic sites.

Visit jetboost.io for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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