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BlendAi: Master online marketing with Ai optimization

BlendAi is the ultimate tool for ecommerce brands looking to take control of their online marketing efforts. This Ad Management Platform utilizes AI to automatically launch and optimize ad campaigns, making it the perfect solution for those who are not marketing experts.

With BlendAi, you can say goodbye to the days of spending endless hours tweaking campaigns and not seeing the results you desire. The platform’s always-on AI monitors and adjusts your ad campaigns to maximize audience reach, ensuring that you get the most out of your advertising budget.

One of the standout features of BlendAi is its Multi-Channel Campaign Builder, which allows you to create a campaign once and deploy it across multiple channels. This streamlines the process and eliminates the need to build the same campaign over and over again. Additionally, BlendAi offers transparent pricing, ensuring that your money goes towards your ads and not into an agency’s wallet.

BlendAi supports various ad channels, including Facebook and Instagram ads, Google Ads, TikTok Ads, and Microsoft Ads. Whether you’re looking to reach engaged users on social media platforms or tap into Google’s vast search network, BlendAi has you covered. The platform’s advanced targeting options, AI-driven optimization tools, and seamless integration make it easier than ever to connect with your target audience and maximize your ROI.

Overall, BlendAi is the go-to tool for ecommerce brands seeking to improve their online marketing efforts without the need for expert knowledge. By leveraging AI technology, BlendAi empowers businesses to drive better results, increase audience reach, and ultimately boost their online presence.

BlendAi – Features

  • Automatic campaign optimization using AI
  • Multi-channel campaign builder for easy deployment across different platforms
  • Transparent pricing to maximize ad budget effectiveness
  • Supports ad channels like Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, TikTok Ads, and Microsoft Ads
  • Advanced targeting options for reaching desired audience
  • AI-driven optimization tools for better performance
  • Detailed insights and analytics for informed decision making
  • Seamless integration for easy management across platforms

BlendAi – Pricing

BlendAi offers two pricing plans, Growth and Enterprise. Growth plan is $150 per month plus 10% of ad spend for up to $15,000 spend monthly. Enterprise plan is for more than $15,000 monthly spend. Both plans include various connected channels and AI-powered features.

Visit blend-ai.com for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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