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Mature staff become unreliable

Unreliability has spread beyond Generation Y. According to a LinkMe poll, more than 80 percent of mature workers and high income earners are also seeking new employment. 

“This blows the perception wealthy and mature workers being loyal right out of the water,” Campbell Sallabank, LinkMe CEO, told CareerOne. “Job loyalty is out the window for Aussies of all ages as the Generation Y ethos of quick money, quick success and fast promotion spreads across the Aussie workplace.”
With low unemployment, a skills shortage, and the mining boom, wages and job opportunities continue to rise, and employees can pay to be more selective.

“Gen Y has long been recognised for their job-hopping ways and little concern for employers interests as they ruthlessly climb to the top of the corporate ladder,” says Sallabank. “Now more mature workers appear to be adopting the ‘me-too’ attitude as they join the bandwagon of career success instead of job loyalty.”
The main reason for employees looking to move is the need for “a challenge”.

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