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Conference for Families in BusinessThe theme of Family Business Australia's ninth annual conference, 'Built to Last' encompasses both the business, and the family. It is not only for those families who are building a dynasty, but also for those families who seek to put the building blocks of their business on the solid foundations of family business best practice.The conference is described as 'the' conference for families in business. Family Business Australia has brought together leaders in the field of family business, both academic and practical technicians, as well as family business speakers who will share their knowledge and expertise with us all.It is fitting that this pivotal group of entrepreneurs and teachers explores the concept of 'Built to Last' in this, or our nation's capital.  23, 24 & 25 August 2007 – Hyatt, Canberra, ACTPh: (07) 3210 1646, 1800 101 646, Email: events@hievents.com.au Marketing & Innovation Seminar The Marketing and Innovation Seminar & Expo is an exciting new event for entrepreneurs and business owners looking for smarter choices for growth. This outstanding seminar program will have a focus distinctly on applying creativity and innovation to the Three Pillars of Growth:1. More Effective Sales and Marketing2. New Customers and Markets3. New/Improved Products and Services.The seminar program will feature Doug Hall, America's number one ideas guru (according to Inc. and CIO Magazine.Melbourne, Monday 27 AugustBrisbane, Wednesday 29 AugustSydney, Friday 31 AugustFor more information contact AmCham office. Ph: (02) 9241 1907, E-mail: events@amcham.com.au Australian flavours inspire world’s latest cuisine trendIngo Maass, Master Chef, author, and creator of New Arabian cuisine, is winning praise for a Dubai fusion of flavours that bridge Middle Eastern and Western tastes.
Famous in his native Germany and the Middle East, Maass is Executive Chef for the JW Marriott Dubai. His New Arabian dishes have won numerous awards including Best Chef Marriott Worldwide 2003, an accolade given for creativity and excellence, judged by both Marriott guests and fine food critics.
“A love of food is universal, and a wonderful window on cultural diversity, with the power to overcome differences and enhance our understanding of culinary traditions and cultures in the Middle East,” Maass said.
And what are the secrets to Ingo’s success? An important part has been sourcing many of his ingredients from Australia to combine the best Aussie produce with centuries old Middle Eastern recipes and techniques. In fact, Maass has introduced more than 20 Australian products to Dubai.  
“I search for the highest quality produce from all over the world. My creations in Dubai have benefited greatly from Australian grass-fed and grain-fed beef, King Island brie, and Tasmanian ocean trout, salmon and scallops – for their freshness, quality and unique flavours. We are currently serving more than one tonne of premium Tasmanian grass-fed beef each month alone,” Maass said.  
It’s no surprise that one of the trendiest new culinary success stories has emerged from Dubai, says James Wyndham, Austrade’s Trade Commissioner in Dubai.
“Dubai is preparing for life after oil, with a strong focus on fostering tourism. Around 50 five star hotels are currently being built, Dubai Airport doubled in size six years ago and is now being doubled again, and there are head-turning construction projects under way such as the Dubai Mariner Complex and the world’s tallest building, the Dubai Burj.  
This incredible growth, drive for acknowledgement as a leader in food and hospitality, combined with an overwhelming reliance on food imports means many opportunities exist for a wide range of Australian food and beverage products in the region,” Mr Wyndham said.
“Australian food exports to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) increased by more than 50% in 2005/06, including a 50% rise in wine exports. Additionally much is re-exported across the region. Australian food and produce enjoys an excellent reputation for quality, offering growing opportunities throughout the region as the UAE continues to develop as a sophisticated tourism haven,” Mr Wyndham said.
In 2006-07 Austrade assisted 62 food and wine exporters make deals in the UAE valued at $106.5 million.
Ingo Maass is visiting Australia until 29 July, and will be in Sydney from 24 July.


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