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Managers hate their employees

More than 20 percent of managers do not respect their employees, or enjoy working with them, found a survey conducted by James Adonis, management consultant. And 39 percent don’t believe they’re good managers.

“There are two main issues here,” says Adonis. “The first is that there’s a large chunk of managers out there who strongly dislike their employees. This has a mirroring effect. No matter how much a manager tries to disguise this intense dislike, the employee can still sense it and will just throw it right back in the form of absenteeism, resignations, and poor performance,” he explains.

“The second, and probably the more serious point, is that almost one in every two managers thinks they’re not very good at managing. This is concerning and represents two key factors—that companies are promoting the most technically proficient people to managerial jobs rather than the ‘best people’, and that companies aren’t investing enough in the training and development of their people managers.”

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