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Aussie businesses to receive Green IT training

Businesses across Australia and New Zealand are being given the opportunity to reduce their environmental footprint, with the introduction of the industry’s first Green IT training courses.

Developed by Excom Education and Connection Research, the three courses include: an introduction to Green IT best practises and concepts, an overview of Green IT planning and implementation and information on how to select a Carbon Emission Management Software tool.

According to Excom Education managing director Jim Watson, the training will equip businesses with the tools to reduce their IT environmental footprint and save thousands of dollars.

“The courses we have started will provide participants with the tools to go back to their organisation and begin implementing changes that will in turn reduce their power consumption.”

Connection Research’s research director, Graeme Philipson said the courses were a first in Australia and New Zealand.

“Green IT is here to stay and organisations – large and small – must be prepared to address a variety of regulatory, cost and energy management opportunities. These courses are one key vehicle to accomplish this.’’

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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