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Humata is a cutting-edge business tool designed to revolutionize the way teams interact with long documents. With the ability to chat your way through lengthy technical papers, Humata’s PDF AI can quickly summarize findings, compare documents, and search for answers with unparalleled efficiency. This innovative tool allows users to upload unlimited files of any size, providing answers to questions faster than one can read a sentence.

One of Humata’s standout features is its ability to highlight citations, providing trustworthiness and credibility by linking back to the original source files. Users can also request shorter summaries and have the PDF AI rewrite them until they are completely satisfied. Additionally, Humata can be embedded in any webpage with a single click, allowing businesses to connect their customers with valuable information stored within their documents.

Humata prioritizes the security and confidentiality of team files with its enterprise-grade data rooms, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access. The platform boasts a secured private cloud, encrypted file storage, role-based security, and single sign-on functionality to keep sensitive information safe and protected.

Overall, Humata is a comprehensive solution for teams looking to streamline document management and enhance collaboration. By harnessing the power of AI and advanced features, Humata empowers businesses to work more efficiently and effectively while maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy.

Humata – Features

  • Chat-based document summarization
  • Unlimited file uploads with no size limits
  • Citation highlights for trust-building
  • Unlimited question asking for customizable summaries
  • Easy embedding in any webpage
  • Enterprise-grade data room for team collaboration
  • Secured private cloud with encrypted files
  • Role-based security and single sign-on integration

Humata – Pricing

Humata offers a Free plan with basic features, a Student plan at $1.99/month, an Expert plan at $9.99/month with 3 users, and a Team plan at $99 per user/month with 10 users. Additional pages have a small fee, with premium chat support included in all paid plans. Optional features are available.

Visit humata.ai for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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