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Enidia AI is a Luxembourg based Hybrid AI company that specializes in the legal domain, offering customized solutions for a variety of services. With a focus on automating reasoning, Enidia AI provides General AI solutions, including semantic search capabilities, and specifically tailored solutions for the legal industry.

Enidia AI’s expertise in AI and Law allows them to develop cutting-edge hybrid AI solutions that optimize communication between lawyers and clients. By incorporating semantic information into their search capabilities, Enidia AI enhances the search experience, making it easier for users to find relevant information within their specific domain.

One of Enidia AI’s key strengths lies in their involvement in European research projects in the field of AI and law. By contributing to these projects, Enidia AI stays at the forefront of technological advancements and is able to collaborate on new and innovative projects that push the boundaries of AI technology.

Some of the sample products offered by Enidia AI include automated lawyer-client communication tools, which use hybrid AI to streamline communication processes, as well as semantic search solutions that make it easier to search for and retrieve domain-specific information.

Overall, Enidia AI is a leading provider of AI solutions for the legal industry, offering innovative and customizable products that enhance communication, search capabilities, and overall efficiency. With a commitment to European research and a focus on automation, Enidia AI is revolutionizing the way legal professionals interact with AI technology.

Enidia AI – Features

  • Customized Hybrid AI solutions for the legal domain
  • General AI solutions such as semantic search
  • Automated lawyer-client communication
  • Enhancing search with domain specific semantic information
  • Contributions to cutting edge European research
  • Hybrid AI optimization for lawyer-client communication
  • European project collaborations in AI and law
  • Sample products including automated communication and semantic search enhancements.

Enidia AI – Pricing

Available upon request.

Visit enidia.ai for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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