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As a business manager, your time is valuable, and finding ways to delegate effectively can make a significant impact on your productivity. Athena is a powerful tool that aims to assist leaders and investors in iconic brands achieve more through world-class delegation coaching and elite assistants.


  • Master Delegation: Athena has turned the art of delegation into a science, offering a structured system that helps users at every level – from novice to expert.
  • Elite Assistants: Handpicked from a pool of 30,000 candidates monthly, Athena’s assistants are trained to provide dedicated 360° life support, transforming how you allocate your time and energy.
  • Delegation System Levels: Whether you are just starting or consider yourself an expert delegator, Athena’s system helps you progress through different levels of delegation mastery, culminating in personal team alignment with your life goals.
  • AI Integration: Athena blends human talent with cutting-edge AI tools to enhance productivity and efficiency, ensuring that tasks are completed with precision and speed.
  • Athena Assistant Membership: For $3,000/month, users can access a full-time assistant committed to their success, receiving extensive training and access to a world-class community of peers facing similar challenges.
  • Mastermind Groups and Classes: Access exclusive mastermind groups, monthly classes, and members-only dinners to enhance your delegation skills alongside ambitious professionals in various industries.

Whether you are looking to hire the right people quickly, increase accountability, manage your health and lifestyle better, or streamline communication and decision-making processes, Athena offers a comprehensive solution to help you achieve your goals.

Incorporating a stringent selection process, continuous training, and AI tools, Athena ensures that users have the support they need to excel in their roles and ultimately scale themselves and their businesses effectively.


Pricing plans for Athena include a dedicated assistant working full-time for $3,000/month in the client’s time zone. Other features include 360° life support, delegation training, proven systems, ongoing assistant training, and easy cancellations with various payment options available.

Visit athena.com for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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