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Bankwest report reveals job hot spots

Financial institution Bankwest has revealed the top 20 job hot spots across the country, using data supplied by the ABS.

Using ABS data, the report measured 20 zones across the country to record a minimum five percent increase in employment since November 2007. Sydney’s north and Perth’s east topped the list, recording a 13 percent growth in employment since November 2007.

In the same period, employment grew by 11 percent in southeastern NSW and 10 percent in lower western WA, Ipswich City, northern-northwest Queensland and inner Melbourne.

Bankwest Retail CEO Ian Corfield said the results are encouraging and suggest the worst may be behind us.

“Our report shows that employment in the inner suburbs has held up, highlighting that Australia’s labour market has performed better than expected during the global financial crisis,” he said.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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