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Thank you for your interest in contributing to Dynamic Business Let’s Talk series.

Please make sure to go through the guidelines below before submitting your contribution.

What we look for in Let's Talk submissions

Dynamic Business chooses submissions which provide information that people can’t read elsewhere. Submissions should be written by an expert in an informal, easy-to-understand, and jargon-free style.

Submissions do not require long-winded introductions or conclusions. Keep yours succinct and to the point.

Credible statistics and quotes from industry authorities (not the author) increase the creditability of the submission. Do not quote out of date statistics or surveys with a small sample size.

Stylistic Tips
  • Submissions must be accurate, clear, and grammatically correct
  • Submissions must be 100-200 words long
  • Use British spelling rather than American
  • Write in short sentences
  • Break up large sentences into short and easy-to-read sentences
  • Use bullet points to condense information
  • They contain blatant self-promotion or are written for SEO purposes
  • Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, verbose or otherwise time consuming to edit
  • They have embedded links back to external commercial blogs promoting the author or a product
  • They make the same point more than once
  • They make unsubstantiated claims or lack data or scientific evidence (where it might reasonably expected)
  • They are biased, racist, sexist or otherwise unsuitable for publication
  • They contain statements which may be libelous
Lets Talk topics and schedule

Read our published episodes here

See the list of upcoming episodes and their schedule on this sheet

Submit your contribution

Ready to submit your contribution?

  • Send your contribution to submissions@dynamicbusiness.com.au with the subject line = “Let’s Talk – %Topic% – %Business name%“.
  • 100-200 words limit
  • Requires the following information of the author:
    • Full name
    • Designation (Job title)
    • LinkedIn profile URL
    • Business name and website URL
    • Headshot (Square shaped – 250×250 px or larger)
  • There is no opportunity to request changes to submissions after publication.
Contribute a standalone article

If you wish to contribute a standalone article to Dynamic Business, follow the link below

We are happy to offer:

  • DB Brand Accounts
  • Solus – EDM
  • DB Workflows
  • Sponsored Interviews
  • Newsletter Sponsorship
  • Feature Sponsorships
  • Webcasts/Podcasts
  • Banner Advertising
  • Request Media Kit

You can find more details about our advertising packages on the advertising page.

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