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Gen Y more receptive to digital marketing

Members of Gen Y, (or millennials are they are now described) are generally more receptive to digital marketing messages than their counterparts, a new survey has revealed.

Epsilon’s Global Consumer Email Study has revealed that millennials (18-25 year olds) in Australia and globally are wired and willing to receive commercial email messages.

Compared to other age groups, millennials are more likely to use tools such as instant messaging (IM), social networking and text/SMS messages as their primary tool for personal online communications. One third of Australian millennials cite instant messaging (IM) as their primary tool for personal communications, followed by email (25 percent), social networks (25 percent) and SMS (17 percent).

In addition to this, Australian millennials are more receptive to emails containing offline specials, such as special offers from catalogue companies (58 percent) and those from traditional (offline) retailers (50 percent), when communications are kept on a weekly interval.

Dominic Powers, senior vice president, Asia Pacific at Epsilon International said the research suggests marketers should focus on “segmentation strategies that address the needs of the age groups within their customer base.”

He said it is important for marketers to understand where their customers are in the customer lifecycle and how they are consuming media in order to offer them content and offers of value.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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